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Oracle Cloud Supports Vast Live Streaming Market

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A growing number of live streaming providers are supported by Oracle Cloud infrastructure as the live streaming market climbs to new heights.

According to Go-Globe, the market is expected to represent 82 percent of all internet traffic this year. It is expected to create new possibilities for streaming providers and the infrastructure supporting them.

Oracle Cloud said streaming providers are seeking technology providers that must be able to offer fast and secure infrastructure in the face of massive data demands and global growth. Vinay Kumar, Oracle’s Vice President of Product Management, remarked we architected our cloud specifically for low latency and high, consistent performance, making it an ideal platform for live streaming. We are seeing companies around the globe take advantage of our unique architecture and low networking costs to reach their customers in real-time.

Oracle Cloud works with clients such as Net Insight, Mynet, and Phenix, amongst others.

Net Insight CEO Crister Fritzson remarked we needed a cloud solution that could support our goal of making our platform available as a service, so we could provide our customers with more complete analysis and real insights from all the scheduling data they gather. 

Fritzson added we now are able to securely house that 20 years of data and have the ability to gain critical business insights from it in real-time. In addition to offering a superior solution – no other database self-heals, self-tunes and self-secures – the high level of customer support provided by Oracle played a critical role at every level of the entire project.

Yuki Horikoshi, Mynet general manager of engineering, remarked a stable environment is essential in online game operations, and providing a space where users can enjoy the game over a long period of time is a huge benefit to our customers.

Oracle Cloud provides a cloud computing portfolio that includes application development and business analytics to integration, security, artificial intelligence (AI), data management, and blockchain.

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